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Gelsenkirchen Wetter

Partly Cloudy with a Gentle Breeze

Today's Weather in Gelsenkirchen, NRW

In Gelsenkirchen, NRW, the day will start off cloudy with temperatures ranging from 9 to 15 degrees Celsius. As the afternoon progresses, the cloud cover will gradually diminish, making way for a partly cloudy evening. The winds will be light, blowing from the west at 4 km/h. Overnight, temperatures will drop to 11 degrees Celsius, with a perceived temperature of 9 degrees Celsius.

Outlook for the Week

The weather in Gelsenkirchen will remain partly cloudy and mild for the next couple of days. However, on Friday, dense clouds are expected to move in. By the weekend, the skies will clear up again, offering a mix of sunshine and clouds.
